I got started with Vega, not through invitation word of mouth, but because I had picked up an announcement on LinkedIn. The headline was not what attracted me but the beautifully crafted and original v1.0 site (they are on v2.0).

Profiles pictures taken with a Gameboy camera, mixing Helvetica with a pixelated derivative of it’s shape. Stunning. I started reading about the project, the white papers and started these wild VEGAscapes for their discord channel. I created announcements for the different platforms they advertised on. This sort of creativity is where I thrive the most, the one that is full of excitement!

Eventually I got invited to create a “Where is Wally” type of game, where the Vegabonds had to be located in the same manner as Wally. The gae was to be used at ETH Denver where the lovely people at VEGA had invited me to.

Web 3.0. Do you VEGA?


36 Days of Type - II

