Areas of Expertise

Brand Identity


Brand Experience

Film & Motion

Art Direction


I have worked in design for almost 20 years and I'm not entirely sure I know any more now than I did when I first started. The Upright One (a monicker borne on the origins of my name) has always been the physical embodiment of that philosophy, and while it has changed many times over the years, the passion and excitement behind the work never has. 

The work represented on my site is a menagerie of projects and clients that I have accumulated over the past two decades. Some projects are real, living out there in the world somewhere still. Others never made it past the presentation stage, but merited finally seeing the light of day. The rest is just stuff that I wish existed in the world. And honestly, that's the philosophy of this site. If you have a good idea, make it. If you wanna see something come to life, create it. The lie of design is that you need a client in order to make work. Don't wait for a client. Design something.


+44 (0)7792969097